Kalamazoo College at Olivet College - Olivet, Michigan
10/18/2003 - 1:00 pm
Scoring 1 2 3 4 Final
Kalamazoo (5-1) 0 21 0 14 35
Olivet (3-3) 21 0 3 0 24
Olivet, Michigan | Griswold Field
Quarters: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th
1st and 10 at KZOO35 Olivet wins toss, defers. Kalamazoo receive and defend south goal.
1st and 10 at KZOO35 OLIVET ball on OLIVET35.
  Emery Sievert kickoff 65 yards to the KZOO00, touchback.
Kalamazoo at 15:00
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Kalamazoo College drive start at 15:00.
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Dwight White rush for no gain to the KZOO20 (Jarrod LaRoche).
2nd and 10 at KZOO20 Dwight White rush for loss of 2 yards to the KZOO18 (Andy Feuerstein).
3rd and 12 at KZOO18 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete to Andy Graham.
4th and 12 at KZOO18 Mike Taylor punt 23 yards to the KZOO41, downed.
3 plays, -2 yards, 01:32 elapsed
Olivet at 13:28
1st and 10 at KZOO41 Olivet College drive start at 13:28.
1st and 10 at KZOO41 Mick Faasen rush for 7 yards to the KZOO34 (Matt Beadle).
2nd and 3 at KZOO34 PENALTY KZOO offside defense 5 yards to the KZOO29.
1st and 10 at KZOO29 Damien Brown rush for 4 yards to the KZOO25 (Adam Richardson; Kyle Bainbridge).
2nd and 6 at KZOO25 Mick Faasen rush for 3 yards to the KZOO22 (Will Solomon).
3rd and 3 at KZOO22 Kemp Luchie rush for 5 yards to the KZOO17 (Brent Klein).
1st and 10 at KZOO17 Travis Sleight rush for 17 yards to the KZOO00, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:55.
  Justin Hunwick kick attempt good.
  Kalamazoo 0, Olivet 7
5 plays, 41 yards, 02:33 elapsed
  Emery Sievert kickoff 65 yards to the KZOO00, touchback.
Kalamazoo at 10:55
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Kalamazoo College drive start at 10:55.
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Bryan Gnyp sacked for loss of 8 yards to the KZOO12 (Corey Davis), fumble by Bryan Gnyp recovered by OLIVET TEAM at KZOO12.
1 plays, -8 yards, 00:21 elapsed
Olivet at 10:34
1st and 10 at KZOO12 Olivet College drive start at 10:34.
1st and 10 at KZOO12 Mick Faasen rush for 10 yards to the KZOO02 (Adam Richardson).
1st and Goal at KZOO02 Mick Faasen rush for 1 yard to the KZOO01, fumble by Mick Faasen recovered by KZOO Matt Beadle at KZOO01, fumble forced by TEAM.
2 plays, 11 yards, 00:25 elapsed
Kalamazoo at 10:09
1st and 10 at KZOO01 Kalamazoo College drive start at 10:09.
1st and 10 at KZOO01 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Dwight White for 2 yards to the KZOO03, out-of-bounds (Mike Hall), PENALTY OLIVET roughing the passer 15 yards to the KZOO18.
1st and 10 at KZOO18 1st and 10.
1st and 10 at KZOO18 Dwight White rush for 4 yards to the KZOO22 (Andy Feuerstein; Jarrod LaRoche).
2nd and 6 at KZOO22 Bryan Gnyp rush for 15 yards to the KZOO37 (Andy Feuerstein; Ryan Hayes).
1st and 10 at KZOO37 Dwight White rush for 1 yard to the KZOO38 (Jarrod LaRoche).
2nd and 9 at KZOO38 Bryan Gnyp rush for 12 yards to the 50 yardline (Jarrod LaRoche).
1st and 10 at KZOO50 Dwight White rush for loss of 2 yards to the KZOO48 (Jarrod LaRoche).
2nd and 12 at KZOO48 Dwight White rush for 4 yards to the OLIVET48 (Andy Feuerstein; Ryan Fried).
3rd and 8 at OLIVET48 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Blake Hurt for 6 yards to the OLIVET42 (DeShaun Warren; Jarrod LaRoche).
4th and 2 at OLIVET42 Mike Taylor punt 24 yards to the OLIVET18, downed.
8 plays, 57 yards, 04:39 elapsed
Olivet at 05:30
1st and 10 at OLIVET18 Olivet College drive start at 05:30.
1st and 10 at OLIVET18 Kemp Luchie rush for 2 yards to the OLIVET20 (Kyle Bainbridge).
2nd and 8 at OLIVET20 Kemp Luchie rush for 80 yards to the KZOO00, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:44.
  Justin Hunwick kick attempt good.
  Kalamazoo 0, Olivet 14
2 plays, 82 yards, 00:46 elapsed
  Emery Sievert kickoff 65 yards to the KZOO00, touchback.
Kalamazoo at 04:44
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Kalamazoo College drive start at 04:44.
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Matthew Jarboe rush for no gain to the KZOO20 (Jarrod LaRoche).
2nd and 10 at KZOO20 Bryan Gnyp sacked for loss of 5 yards to the KZOO15 (Ryan Hayes).
3rd and 15 at KZOO15 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete to Andy Graham (Steve Critchlow).
4th and 15 at KZOO15 Mike Taylor punt 21 yards to the KZOO36, downed.
3 plays, -5 yards, 02:10 elapsed
Olivet at 02:34
1st and 10 at KZOO36 Olivet College drive start at 02:34.
1st and 10 at KZOO36 Dwight Houston rush for 6 yards to the KZOO30 (Adam Richardson).
2nd and 4 at KZOO30 Damien Brown rush for 1 yard to the KZOO29 (Adam Richardson), PENALTY KZOO offside defense 5 yards to the KZOO25, NO PLAY.
1st and 10 at KZOO25 Damien Brown rush for 3 yards to the KZOO22 (Kyle Bainbridge; Brett Foster).
2nd and 7 at KZOO22 Mick Faasen rush for 17 yards to the KZOO05 (Brent Klein; Mark LaCombe).
1st and Goal at KZOO05 Travis Sleight rush for 5 yards to the KZOO00, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:38.
  Justin Hunwick kick attempt good.
  Kalamazoo 0, Olivet 21
4 plays, 36 yards, 01:56 elapsed
  Emery Sievert kickoff 65 yards to the KZOO00, Andy Graham return 23 yards to the KZOO23 (Matt Wierenga).
Kalamazoo at 00:32
1st and 10 at KZOO23 Kalamazoo College drive start at 00:32.
1st and 10 at KZOO23 Matthew Jarboe rush for 2 yards to the KZOO25 (Mike Hall).
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2nd and 8 at KZOO25 Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
2nd and 8 at KZOO25 Bryan Gnyp rush for 8 yards to the KZOO33, out-of-bounds (Ryan Hayes).
1st and 10 at KZOO33 Matthew Jarboe rush for 8 yards to the KZOO41 (Marcelo Sims).
2nd and 2 at KZOO41 Matthew Jarboe rush for 8 yards to the KZOO49 (Dave Trudell; Ryan Hayes).
1st and 10 at KZOO49 Matthew Jarboe rush for 1 yard to the 50 yardline (Jarrod LaRoche).
2nd and 9 at KZOO50 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Jeff Green for 6 yards to the OLIVET44 (Marcelo Sims).
3rd and 3 at OLIVET44 Dwight White rush for 3 yards to the OLIVET41 (Andy Feuerstein).
1st and 10 at OLIVET41 Dwight White rush for 6 yards to the OLIVET35 (Blake Wagner).
2nd and 4 at OLIVET35 Dwight White rush for 11 yards to the OLIVET24, out-of-bounds (Matt Kunzelman).
1st and 10 at OLIVET24 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete to Andy Graham (Steve Critchlow).
2nd and 10 at OLIVET24 Timeout Kalamazoo College, clock 10:09.
2nd and 10 at OLIVET24 Dwight White rush for 7 yards to the OLIVET17 (Steve Critchlow; Mark Long).
3rd and 3 at OLIVET17 Dwight White rush for loss of 4 yards to the OLIVET21 (Marcelo Sims).
4th and 7 at OLIVET21 Bryan Gnyp rush for 17 yards to the OLIVET04, out-of-bounds, PENALTY KZOO illegal motion 5 yards to the OLIVET26, NO PLAY.
4th and 12 at OLIVET26 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Jeff Green for 16 yards to the OLIVET10 (Joe Tanis).
1st and Goal at OLIVET10 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Jeff Green for no gain to the OLIVET10 (DeShaun Warren).
2nd and Goal at OLIVET10 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete to Jeff Green.
3rd and Goal at OLIVET10 PENALTY KZOO substitution infraction 5 yards to the OLIVET15.
3rd and Goal at OLIVET15 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Jeff Green for 15 yards to the OLIVET00, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:38.
  Gavin Mooney kick attempt good.
  Kalamazoo 7, Olivet 21
16 plays, 77 yards, 08:54 elapsed
  Gavin Mooney kickoff 65 yards to the OLIVET00, touchback.
Olivet at 06:38
1st and 10 at OLIVET20 Olivet College drive start at 06:38.
1st and 10 at OLIVET20 Mick Faasen rush for 5 yards to the OLIVET25 (Joe Meier).
2nd and 5 at OLIVET25 PENALTY OLIVET false start 5 yards to the OLIVET20.
2nd and 10 at OLIVET20 Travis Sleight rush for 5 yards to the OLIVET25 (Kyle Bainbridge).
3rd and 5 at OLIVET25 Rick Mason pass incomplete to Travis Sleight.
4th and 5 at OLIVET25 Dustin Thomas punt 18 yards to the OLIVET43, downed (blocked by Nate Sarnacki).
3 plays, 5 yards, 01:53 elapsed
Kalamazoo at 04:45
1st and 10 at OLIVET43 Kalamazoo College drive start at 04:45.
1st and 10 at OLIVET43 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Andy Graham for no gain to the OLIVET43 (DeShaun Warren).
2nd and 10 at OLIVET43 Dwight White rush for 20 yards to the OLIVET23 (DeShaun Warren; Dave Trudell).
1st and 10 at OLIVET23 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Tim Kleinebreil for 12 yards to the OLIVET11 (Dave Trudell).
1st and 10 at OLIVET11 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete to Andy Graham.
2nd and 10 at OLIVET11 Bryan Gnyp rush for 2 yards to the OLIVET09 (Jarrod LaRoche), PENALTY KZOO holding declined, PENALTY OLIVET face mask 7 yards to the OLIVET04, NO PLAY.
2nd and 3 at OLIVET04 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Jeff Green for 4 yards to the OLIVET00, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:26.
  Kalamazoo 14, Olivet 21
  Gavin Mooney kick attempt good, PENALTY KZOO false start 5 yards to the OLIVET08, NO PLAY.
  Gavin Mooney kick attempt good.
  Kalamazoo 21, Olivet 21
5 plays, 43 yards, 02:19 elapsed
  Gavin Mooney kickoff 65 yards to the OLIVET00, DeShaun Warren return 15 yards to the OLIVET15 (Adam Richardson).
Olivet at 02:18
1st and 10 at OLIVET15 Olivet College drive start at 02:18.
1st and 10 at OLIVET15 Mick Faasen rush for 4 yards to the OLIVET19 (Kyle Bainbridge).
2nd and 6 at OLIVET19 Timeout Kalamazoo College, clock 01:58.
2nd and 6 at OLIVET19 Kemp Luchie rush for 6 yards to the OLIVET25 (Will Solomon).
1st and 10 at OLIVET25 Mick Faasen rush for 5 yards to the OLIVET30 (Will Solomon).
2nd and 5 at OLIVET30 Kemp Luchie rush for no gain to the OLIVET30 (Kyle Bainbridge; J. Vanisacker).
3rd and 5 at OLIVET30 Kemp Luchie rush for 2 yards to the OLIVET32 (J. Vanisacker).
4th and 3 at OLIVET32 Timeout Kalamazoo College, clock 00:27.
4th and 3 at OLIVET32 Dustin Thomas punt loss of 8 yards to the OLIVET24 (blocked by Matt Beadle).
5 plays, 17 yards, 01:56 elapsed
Kalamazoo at 00:22
1st and 10 at OLIVET24 Kalamazoo College drive start at 00:22.
1st and 10 at OLIVET24 Timeout Olivet College, clock 00:22.
1st and 10 at OLIVET24 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete.
2nd and 10 at OLIVET24 Jeff Green pass complete to James Woodfork for 24 yards to the OLIVET00, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:08.
  Gavin Mooney kick attempt good, PENALTY OLIVET offside defense declined.
  Kalamazoo 21, Olivet 24
2 plays, 24 yards, 00:14 elapsed
  Gavin Mooney kickoff 65 yards to the OLIVET00, Travis Sleight return 17 yards to the OLIVET17 (Joe Meier).
Olivet at 00:01
1st and 10 at OLIVET17 Olivet College drive start at 00:01.
1st and 10 at OLIVET17 Kemp Luchie rush for 13 yards to the OLIVET30 (J. Vanisacker).
1 plays, 13 yards, 00:01 elapsed
1st and 10 at OLIVET30 End of half, clock 00:00.
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1st and 10 at OLIVET30 Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00, KZOO ball on KZOO35.
  Gavin Mooney kickoff 35 yards to the OLIVET30, Dwight Houston return 19 yards to the OLIVET49 (Brian Baucher).
Olivet at 14:54
1st and 10 at OLIVET49 Olivet College drive start at 14:54.
1st and 10 at OLIVET49 Mick Faasen rush for 5 yards to the KZOO46 (J. Vanisacker).
2nd and 5 at KZOO46 Dwight Houston rush for 6 yards to the KZOO40 (Adam Richardson).
1st and 10 at KZOO40 Kemp Luchie rush for 3 yards to the KZOO37 (Brent Klein; Matt Beadle).
2nd and 7 at KZOO37 Rick Mason rush for 26 yards to the KZOO11, out-of-bounds (Conor Lefere).
1st and 10 at KZOO11 Dwight Houston rush for 4 yards to the KZOO07 (Kyle Bainbridge; J. Vanisacker).
2nd and 6 at KZOO07 Mick Faasen rush for 3 yards to the KZOO04 (Will Solomon).
3rd and 3 at KZOO04 Mick Faasen rush for 1 yard to the KZOO03 (Brett Foster).
4th and 2 at KZOO03 Travis Sleight rush for loss of 1 yard to the KZOO04 (Matt Beadle).
8 plays, 47 yards, 03:31 elapsed
Kalamazoo at 11:23
1st and 10 at KZOO04 Kalamazoo College drive start at 11:23.
1st and 10 at KZOO04 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Andy Graham for 7 yards to the KZOO11 (DeShaun Warren).
2nd and 3 at KZOO11 Dwight White rush for 14 yards to the KZOO25 (Matt Kunzelman; Dave Trudell).
1st and 10 at KZOO25 Bryan Gnyp rush for 13 yards to the KZOO38 (Ryan Hayes; Cody Francis), PENALTY KZOO holding 10 yards to the KZOO15, NO PLAY.
1st and 20 at KZOO15 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Andy Graham for 12 yards to the KZOO27 (Cody Francis).
2nd and 8 at KZOO27 Bryan Gnyp sacked for loss of 7 yards to the KZOO20 (Mike Wilson).
3rd and 15 at KZOO20 Bryan Gnyp sacked for loss of 2 yards to the KZOO18 (Mike Wilson).
4th and 17 at KZOO18 Mike Taylor punt 31 yards to the KZOO49, DeShaun Warren return 11 yards to the KZOO38 (Mike Taylor), PENALTY OLIVET illegal use of the hands 10 yards to the KZOO48, 1st and 10, OLIVET ball on KZOO48.
5 plays, 14 yards, 04:01 elapsed
Olivet at 07:22
1st and 10 at KZOO48 Olivet College drive start at 07:22.
1st and 10 at KZOO48 Dwight Houston rush for 6 yards to the KZOO42 (Joe Meier).
2nd and 4 at KZOO42 Damien Brown rush for loss of 3 yards to the KZOO45 (Brian Baucher).
3rd and 7 at KZOO45 Rick Mason sacked for loss of 10 yards to the OLIVET45 (Nate Sarnacki), PENALTY OLIVET personal foul declined.
4th and 17 at OLIVET45 Dustin Thomas punt 55 yards to the KZOO00, touchback.
3 plays, -7 yards, 01:54 elapsed
Kalamazoo at 05:28
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Kalamazoo College drive start at 05:28.
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Dwight White rush for 10 yards to the KZOO30 (Cody Francis; Dave Trudell).
1st and 10 at KZOO30 Dwight White rush for 11 yards to the KZOO41, out-of-bounds (Matt Kunzelman).
1st and 10 at KZOO41 PENALTY KZOO false start 5 yards to the KZOO36.
1st and 15 at KZOO36 Dwight White rush for no gain to the KZOO36 (Ryan Fried; Jarrod LaRoche).
2nd and 15 at KZOO36 Bryan Gnyp sacked for loss of 3 yards to the KZOO33 (Matt Kunzelman).
3rd and 18 at KZOO33 Dwight White rush for 6 yards to the KZOO39 (Blake Wagner).
4th and 12 at KZOO39 Mike Taylor punt 34 yards to the OLIVET27, out-of-bounds.
5 plays, 19 yards, 02:56 elapsed
Olivet at 02:32
1st and 10 at OLIVET27 Olivet College drive start at 02:32.
1st and 10 at OLIVET27 Dwight Houston rush for 12 yards to the OLIVET39 (Adam Richardson).
1st and 10 at OLIVET39 Dwight Houston rush for 36 yards to the KZOO25 (Brent Klein).
1st and 10 at KZOO25 Dwight Houston rush for no gain to the KZOO25 (Brett Foster).
2nd and 10 at KZOO25 Mick Faasen rush for 2 yards to the KZOO23 (Kyle Bainbridge).
3rd and 8 at KZOO23 Rick Mason pass incomplete to Andy Storey.
4th and 8 at KZOO23 Justin Hunwick field goal attempt from 40 GOOD, clock 00:13.
  Kalamazoo 28, Olivet 24
6 plays, 50 yards, 02:19 elapsed
  Emery Sievert kickoff 65 yards to the KZOO00, touchback.
Kalamazoo at 00:13
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Kalamazoo College drive start at 00:13.
1st and 10 at KZOO20 Dwight White rush for 10 yards to the KZOO30 (Mike Hall).
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1st and 10 at KZOO30 Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
1st and 10 at KZOO30 Dwight White rush for 9 yards to the KZOO39, out-of-bounds (Matt Kunzelman).
2nd and 1 at KZOO39 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete to Andy Graham, PENALTY KZOO illegal shift 5 yards to the KZOO34, NO PLAY.
2nd and 6 at KZOO34 Dwight White rush for 7 yards to the KZOO41 (Jarrod LaRoche).
1st and 10 at KZOO41 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Andy Graham for 29 yards to the OLIVET30 (Marcelo Sims).
1st and 10 at OLIVET30 Dwight White rush for 1 yard to the OLIVET29 (Justin Hughes).
2nd and 9 at OLIVET29 Dwight White rush for 14 yards to the OLIVET15 (Mike Hall).
1st and 10 at OLIVET15 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete.
2nd and 10 at OLIVET15 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete to Jeff Green.
3rd and 10 at OLIVET15 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Blake Hurt for 15 yards to the OLIVET00, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:29.
  Gavin Mooney kick attempt good.
  Kalamazoo 35, Olivet 24
9 plays, 80 yards, 03:44 elapsed
  Gavin Mooney kickoff 55 yards to the OLIVET10, DeShaun Warren return 23 yards to the OLIVET33 (Chris Werme).
Olivet at 11:22
1st and 10 at OLIVET33 Olivet College drive start at 11:22.
1st and 10 at OLIVET33 Kemp Luchie rush for no gain to the OLIVET33 (Kyle Bainbridge).
2nd and 10 at OLIVET33 Mick Faasen rush for 17 yards to the 50 yardline (Brent Klein).
1st and 10 at OLIVET50 Damien Brown rush for 5 yards to the KZOO45 (Brent Klein).
2nd and 5 at KZOO45 Mick Faasen rush for 3 yards to the KZOO42 (Joe Meier).
3rd and 2 at KZOO42 Dwight Houston rush for 2 yards to the KZOO40 (Nate Sarnacki).
1st and 10 at KZOO40 Dwight Houston rush for 5 yards to the KZOO35 (Kyle Bainbridge).
2nd and 5 at KZOO35 Mick Faasen rush for loss of 1 yard to the KZOO36 (Mike Riley; Will Solomon).
3rd and 6 at KZOO36 Rick Mason pass incomplete.
4th and 6 at KZOO36 Rick Mason sacked for loss of 11 yards to the KZOO47 (J. Vanisacker).
9 plays, 20 yards, 04:06 elapsed
Kalamazoo at 07:16
1st and 10 at KZOO47 Kalamazoo College drive start at 07:16.
1st and 10 at KZOO47 Bryan Gnyp sacked for loss of 2 yards to the KZOO45 (Mike Hall; Mike Wilson).
2nd and 12 at KZOO45 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete.
3rd and 12 at KZOO45 Bryan Gnyp pass incomplete to Jeff Green.
4th and 12 at KZOO45 Mike Taylor punt 54 yards to the OLIVET01, DeShaun Warren return 0 yards to the OLIVET01.
3 plays, -2 yards, 01:13 elapsed
Olivet at 06:03
1st and 10 at OLIVET01 Olivet College drive start at 06:03.
1st and 10 at OLIVET01 Mick Faasen rush for 1 yard to the OLIVET02 (Will Solomon).
2nd and 9 at OLIVET02 Kemp Luchie rush for 3 yards to the OLIVET05 (Joe Meier).
3rd and 6 at OLIVET05 Kemp Luchie rush for 9 yards to the OLIVET14 (Brent Klein; Joe Meier).
1st and 10 at OLIVET14 Dwight Houston rush for 1 yard to the OLIVET15 (Nate Sarnacki).
2nd and 9 at OLIVET15 Mick Faasen rush for 2 yards to the OLIVET17 (J. Vanisacker).
3rd and 7 at OLIVET17 Rick Mason rush for 1 yard to the OLIVET18 (Kyle Bainbridge).
4th and 6 at OLIVET18 Dustin Thomas pass incomplete, PENALTY OLIVET md declined.
7 plays, 17 yards, 03:19 elapsed
Kalamazoo at 02:44
1st and 10 at OLIVET18 clock 02:44.
1st and 10 at OLIVET18 Dwight White rush for 1 yard to the OLIVET17 (Ryan Fried).
2nd and 9 at OLIVET17 Dwight White rush for 3 yards to the OLIVET14 (Jarrod LaRoche).
3rd and 6 at OLIVET14 Timeout Olivet College, clock 01:37.
3rd and 6 at OLIVET14 Dwight White rush for 4 yards to the OLIVET10 (Jarrod LaRoche).
4th and 2 at OLIVET10 Timeout Olivet College, clock 01:30.
4th and 2 at OLIVET10 Timeout Kalamazoo College, clock 01:30.
4th and 2 at OLIVET10 Bryan Gnyp pass complete to Nick Sarnacki for 10 yards to the OLIVET00, TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:25.
  Gavin Mooney kick attempt good.
4 plays, 18 yards, 01:19 elapsed
  Gavin Mooney kickoff 65 yards to the OLIVET00, touchback.
Olivet at 01:25
1st and 10 at OLIVET20 Olivet College drive start at 01:25.
1st and 10 at OLIVET20 Kemp Luchie rush for 15 yards to the OLIVET35 (Mark LaCombe).
1st and 10 at OLIVET35 Rick Mason pass incomplete to Andy Storey.
2nd and 10 at OLIVET35 Damien Brown rush for 25 yards to the KZOO40, out-of-bounds (Mark LaCombe).
1st and 10 at KZOO40 Rick Mason pass complete to Andy Storey for 7 yards to the KZOO33 (Conor Lefere).
2nd and 3 at KZOO33 Timeout Kalamazoo College, clock 00:43.
2nd and 3 at KZOO33 Rick Mason pass incomplete to Ryan Adams, PENALTY KZOO pass interference 15 yards to the KZOO18, NO PLAY.
1st and 10 at KZOO18 Damien Brown rush for 14 yards to the KZOO04, out-of-bounds (Robert Atwood).
1st and Goal at KZOO04 Kemp Luchie rush for 3 yards to the KZOO01 (Matt Beadle).
6 plays, 79 yards, 01:25 elapsed
2nd and Goal at KZOO01 End of game, clock 00:00.
  Kalamazoo 35, Olivet 24
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