Athletic trainers are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to optimize patient and client activity and participation in athletics, work and life. The practice of athletic training encompasses the prevention, examination and diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of emergent, acute, subacute, and chronic neuromusculoskeletal conditions and certain medical conditions in order to minimize subsequent impairments, functional limitations, disability, and societal limitations.
At The University of Olivet, we are committed to providing all student-athletes the opportunity to participate in intercollegiate athletics in a healthy and safe manner. The athletic training staff is dedicated to providing personal and quality care for each student-athlete. Our goals are prevention, first aid, evaluation and treatment of athletic-related injuries along with follow-up care, rehabilitation, and counseling on available treatment options. We strive for excellence to returning an athlete to competition in the safest and quickest path available by providing the necessary resources.
The University of Olivet athletic training staff consists of three full-time Certified Athletic Trainers and physicians from Sparrow Hospital. For general information, please send an email to Head Athletic Trainer Savanna Sutton at