Robert M. Powell
Robert M. Powell
  • Graduation Year:
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You have, over the years, worn many different hats. Indeed, for the years 1961-64 you wore with distinction an Olivet College football helmet. Serving as Captain in 1963, you provided strength to the defense as a linebacker, and started as the offensive center. Men with your ability often served the team in both capacities.

Following graduation from Olivet, you have continued to help young people in their athletic development as you have served as teacher, assistant coach, and head coach. Your academic training has taken you to Western Michigan University, Rutgers University, and Central Michigan University. Professionally you have joined such nationally recognized organizations as Johnson and Johnson Corporation, Vision Technologies, Inc., and you are presently Vice President of La Haye Laboratories, Opthalmic Division in Seattle, Washington.

For both your talents on the field and your skill in molding the lives of young men and women, Olivet College is proud and welcomes you to the Olivet College Hall of Fame on this 20th day of October, 1990. Congratulations!