Keith E. Penoyar
Keith E. Penoyar
  • Graduation Year:
  • Induction Year:
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The records you set and honors you received during four years as a member of the Olivet College Golf team are among the finest at Olivet.

As a freshman in 1977, you were named the MIAA Most Valuable Golfer, in 1978 the Medalist at the Purdue Invitational. In your senior year you led Olivet to its third straight MIAA golf crown. You were all league medallist in 1980, all MIAA for four years, qualified for the NCAA tournament three years, and captain of your team for three years. Golf was your game but for two years you also won letters in tennis.

You were a leader in your sport and the key to three golf championships won by your college. Coach Gary Morrison has honored you by stating you were “the golfer most responsible for the development of championship golf at Olivet College.”

It is with pride that Olivet College inducts you into the Olivet College Hall of Fame on this 11th day of October 1986.