Laura (Oestreich) Johnson
Laura (Oestreich) Johnson
  • Graduation Year:
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You are a proven winner on the basketball court by lettering four consecutive seasons at Olivet College. You served as co-captain of the women's basketball team in 1990-91 and 1991-92 and were selected by your peers for the Most Valuable Player award in those years.

You received the Olivet College Outstanding Female Athlete award in 1992 and the Hustle Award in 1989 and 1990. You earned the 1992 NCAA Woman of the Year for your achievements in athletics, academics and community leadership.

Additional honors and activities at Olivet College included serving as a 1992 student commencement speaker, an Honors House resident, recipient of the Presidential, Attwood, and Riethmiller Scholarships and being a member of Sigma Beta and Phi Beta Lambda.

After graduation, you used your degree in Business Administration to build a career in the field of economic development and informatin technology. You presently are employed by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation in the area of public relations.

We applaud your excellence in athletics and your examples of individual and social responsibility and formally induct you into the Olivet College Athletic Hall of Fame on this twenty-second day of September 2001.